Property Details
Occupancy Certificate
Gram Panchayat
Funds Utilization
Marriage Registration
Jamabandhi Chitha
Missing File or Record
Illegal Construction
RTI Address Of Office Of District Collector Khammam
It is Require to send RTI and send to right address in fabour of Public Information Officer in the city Khammam is given below ...
Public Information Officer
Office Of District Collector Khammam
Government Office In Khammam , Zp Center, Wyra Rd, Yedulapuram Khammam
Telangana PIN CODE - 507002
Public Information Officer of Telangana Municipal Corporation and land property & Rural and Development Area
It is necessary to send RTI drafting to correct address in Telangana of Khammam in fabour is given below ...
Public Information Officer
A indian citizen can ask question from state / central government officials reasons for delay in government services requested for Office Of District Collector Khammam Municipal Corporation and Land property & Rural and Development Area ...
Here's a step by step guide to file an RTI application for Office Of District Collector Khammam Municipal Corporation and Land property & Rural and Development Area Telangana Municipal Corporation and land property & Rural and Development Area Khammam
- Write a formal application may be typed or neatly hand-written , wherein mention atop " Application under RTI act 2005".
- You can write RTI application in Hindi,English or other official language of the area.Address the application to " Public Information Officer ".
- Write the name of the department from which you need information, correct format of address as " Public Information Officer Telangana Municipal Corporation and land property & Rural and Development Area Khammam Government Office In Khammam PIN CODE – 507002 ".
- State your request in the form of specific, right questions. Ask for documents or extracts of documents, is required. To obtain copy of docouments, the citizen has to make a payment of Rs. 2.00 INR per page.
- Necessary to Attach Government RTI Fee in the form of IPO/DD/MO etc as applicable with the RTI Application. Pay fee in fabour of " Public Information Officer".
- Provide your full name and address, contact details, email address and sign the application clearly. Put in the date and the name of your town.
- Take a photocopy / Screen for your future references.At the end of the application always make a declaration that you are an indian citizen.
- The law mandates that information be provided within 30 / 35 days. If this does not happen, you can file an 1st appeal. The first appeal should be addressed to " The Appellate Authority " with the name of the department and the address. The appellate authority is mandated to revert in 45 days from the date of receipt of the appeal. If the Appellate authority refuses/fails to reply.
- further appeals lie with the Public officer , Information Commission, the Chief Information Commissioner, State/Central Information Commission
Some Trending Question About Office Of District Collector Khammam Municipal Corporation and Land property & Rural and Development Area Municipal Corporation and land property & Rural and Development Area
Empower citizens ask some Trending questions related to Khammam Telangana Office Of District Collector Khammam Municipal Corporation and Land property & Rural and Development Area Municipal Corporation and land property & Rural and Development Area is given below ...
- Can we ask for property details in RTI?
- Can I file RTI against the private property?
- Can I get information on anybody's property under RTI Act?
- Which information can be denied under RTI?
- Can we get the property details of any individuals across India registered under his name through RTI?
- Can I file the RTI to know the owner of some land in my area?
- What type of property documents can we get from the Tahsildar office or the Land Revenue department through RTI?
- What information can I get through RTI from the land and land reform department?
- How do I find out the land details of a village using RTI?
- Can I obtain property papers for a particular land through RTI?
- Can I file an RTI to find out how much private land is on the road in some specific area in front of my land?
- Does the land acquisition department come under the RTI Act?
- How can I file an RTI on the census details of our village?
- To whom will RTI be filed against regarding municipality works?
- How do I file an RTI against a project of a municipal corporation? What information will I be able to get?
- Are ward members of the Municipal council come under the RTI act?
- Can RTI be filed against gram panchayat?
- What facilities can the public get from the panchayat by using the right to information?
- What is the process of RTI against gram Panchayat?
- Can I file RTI regarding funds for my gram panchayat?
- Who is the appellate authority to file an RTI WITH regard to gram Panchayat in Panchayat Raj?
- How can I use the RTI at a panchayat level?
- How can I file an RTI against a gram panchayat for the sanction of illegal house land to a person?
- Can I file an RTI against a gram panchayat employee to know what is his authority to hold this post?
- What is the procedure for obtaining information from Gram panchayat under RTI?